Opening Hours

Monday: 8am - 8pm

Tuesday: 8am - 8pm

Wednesday: 9am - 8pm

Thursday: 7am - 8pm

Friday: 9am - 2pm

Saturday: 8am - 1pm

Sunday: Closed

Nutrition Counseling


Nutrition counseling is a major part of what we do at Healthy Solutions Clinic. The most successful diet plans in our opinion are not the ones that ban long lists of items or the ones that only allow you to eat certain foods. Our goal is to help you lose the weight you've been trying to lose while also helping incorporate a lifestyle change that will allow you to keep the weight off for the future. Many diets that only let you eat one food or another tend to be short lived since once you lose the weight and start eating a wider range of foods, the weight come right back on. We look at a range of factors such as employment, physical activity, and lifestyle to develop the plan that will be the most beneficial for our patients.